Serving Sumter South Carolina and Surround Areas
The weather in Sumter is mild compared to most of the country. We are typically spared from snow, but we are not strangers to hail, ice and heavy rains. When moisture impacts the ground surface, it can create hazardous travel conditions. Thankfully, the odds are in your favor. The likelihood that you will get stuck in mud, ice or a steep ditch are very slim. Nonetheless it happens and when it does, call Sumter Towing Service right away. The more you press your accelerator, the deeper you dig your tires. We offer a convenient winch out service. A tow operator will attach a cable to your car and slow dig your car out of whatever situation you may have fallen into.
Stuck in the Mud
We’ve winched pickup trucks out of backyards and side road ditches. No matter where you are located, we can devise a way to get you out. We work with Sumter municipal emergency services to rescue people from dangerous circumstances. Not having control of your physical conditions can take a toll on your mental stability. Our dispatchers have been thoroughly trained in how to work with customers in emergency situations. They are patient and exact when dispatching your call. Fortunately, the tow operator is human and has empathy for your happenstance. What may seem like an impossible task is really a cinch when you use our
winch out service.
Stuck in Water
Endless cocktails, the hot sun and a golf cart is not a good combination without a designated driver. Yet, these are the conditions that precipitated a water
winch rescue from Crystal Lakes Golf Course. The golfers got a little too happy when they careened off course into the man made lake. That lake is deeper than it appears and is five feet deep at its center. Fortunately, the gentlemen were able to swim to safety when the golf course manager called us. The dispatcher contacted a
tow operator who is always ready for anything. Within 30 minutes we were able to fish the golf cart out of the water.
Whenever a car is rolled over onto its side or top, the situation is dire. Fortunately, there are airbags, seatbelts and anti-lock brakes that can mitigate bodily harm. We have received calls from customers in shock who didn’t have the full mental capacity to gauge the serious nature of the accident. In this case we may dispatch two drivers to assist with getting the car right side up. If you have not already phoned emergency services, our dispatchers will do that for you. Our response time during emergencies is unprecedented. We keep an accurate digital record for police and insurance queries.
Zero Vehicular Damage
There is virtually no damage done to your
car when winching it out of water, mud, ice or ditches. A cable is attached to your vehicle and our tow truck. The winching motor will then pull your your trapped vehicle to solid ground. The hook that was installed during manufacturing was designed for emergency situations. Often, we will receive questions from luxury car drivers about possible damage to their vehicles. Your car is not in danger of being damaged in the process. To date there has not been a vehicle that we could not release from the grips of nature.
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