24 Hour Towing Service In Sumter, SC

A group of people are standing around a car on the side of the road.

It’s the weekend and you’ve decided to take the two hour drive to Charleston for a romantic dinner for two and an overnight stay at a historic boutique hotel. Everything from the beautiful drive to the company, food and hotel were marvelous. It was a great way to rekindle the fire. While heading back Sunday night on I-95 heading North the car starts shaking. Then it slows down and stops. Fortunately, you are able to veer it to the side of the highway. It’s 10 o’clock at night and you’re only fifteen miles away from home. Now would be the perfect time to call Sumter Towing Service. We offer 24 hour towing for emergency situations like these.

On Call
You may have discovered that when our competitors say they offer
24 hour towing seven days a week what they really mean is that they are available when the feel like it. When you phone after normal business hours our telecommunications systems are designed to contact the tow operator on call. Rain or shine, hail or sleet, she will come to your rescue. We are professional at all times of the morning and night. You never have to concern yourself with having to manage another person’s emotions because the tow operator is trained to be courteous and reassuring during emergencies.     

Your safety is of utmost importance. We cannot stress enough that you must get yourself to safety first before calling about your vehicle. Accepting help from strangers can leave you vulnerable to assault, robbery or worse. Once you are in a safe location, contact
Sumter Towing Service with the details. If there are no businesses present or open, we will advise you to wait inside the vehicle with the doors locked. The dispatcher will ask all the pertinent questions and phone the police and fire department if you haven’t already. We keep accurate digital records of every call. Just in case the police or insurance company want more information, we have a recording of the call and copious digital notes. 

Phone Assistance
Each situation is as varied as the caller on the phone. Some customers are very stoic and calm during emergencies. Others are easily frazzled and highly emotional. 
Sumter Towing Service is prepared for both types of customers. The stoic type is more likely to underestimate the level of damage. The emotional customer is typically unable to give an accurate account of the situation. Our dispatchers have been trained in emergency assistance. They will virtually hold your hand until a tow operator arrives. It is our pleasure to be available in your time of need. If necessary we will contact emergency services and loved ones on your behalf. 

Safety Transportation
Depending on the severity of the situation, you may still be at the scene of the accident when we arrive. If that is the case, a tow operator will transport you to safety before
towing your car to the body shop or mechanic. If you’ve experienced a major collision, even if you don’t currently feel pain, we highly advise that you see a medical practitioner. The sooner you receive medical attention, the better. The driver can transport you to the local hospital for X-rays or she can take you home before transporting your vehicle to another service provider. At the end of the day, we are here to serve you.

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